We Have Winners!

Congratulations to Misty and Rebekah, winners of the "Heavens Declare" and "Light of the World" giveaways.


Don't forget about our 15% discount on both books during the month of May: 5LNVH8DM


My apologies for any glitches yesterday. My host was having some issues, and it may have affected your experience at "Light of the World."

5 New Ways to Interact

Way number one: comment!
Way number two: review!
Way number three: e-mail us!
Way number four: react!
Way number five: enter the giveaway that's about end!!!

P.S.- a great way to enter is to subscribe to our feed. And speaking of our feed: the content is about to have a makeover. (More about that later!)

Review: "Finished Already!"

"I finished your book already and it was really good. I liked the [ending]. That was a really good part.  I also like the part...when the Edwards family goes shopping with Mr. Simmons.  That was fun."

~Sydney (11)

Hurry, hurry, hurry!!!

Our giveaway ends the day after tomorrow.  Increase your chances of winning by entering as many times as possible!

(Entered in our giveaway at www.heavensdeclare.info?)

Speaking this Saturday

"The Heavens Declare" and "Light of the World" will be traveling with me to a ladies' brunch in Dayton, OR this Saturday.  I will be sharing my testimony and meaningful excerpts from "The Heavens Declare."  Both books will be for sale.

The Biblical Apprentice Class

Saturday, May 7th, I attended and spoke at the Nehemiah Project's First Annual Biblical Apprentice class for youth in Portland, Oregon.  All together, there were 29 students (from private Christian schools and home schools) between the ages of 11 and 18.  Both "The Heavens Declare" and "Light of the World" were for sale at the event.  I spoke at the end of the lunch time, sharing testimony about my experiences writing and publishing.  To make my testimony more memorable and encouraging, I made a PowerPoint presentation with my four points.  (Notice they form the acronym "IDEA.")


I have learned to…

- Identify calling

- Develop skills

- Earnestly seek counsel

- Always stay focused


I was able to both give and take, because not only did I have opportunity to share my story, but the Biblical entrepreneurship training was invaluable.  Being guided in actually formulating a business plan from scratch was terrific, and the vision for a particularly Christian approach was clearly and motivationally cast by both Mr. Tsague and Mr. Madore.


More about the Nehemiah Project here: www.nehemiahproject.org.

Family Interaction

Excerpt from Chapter Five: “A Shopping Trip”

Brian pointed to the piece of tomato on his plate. “We learned why this looks red.” He paused. “And why your shirt, Andy, looks blue.”
Collin tugged on his own green and white striped shirt saying, “Mine shirt, mine shirt.”
“Yes,” said Danielle, “your shirt too, Collin. We read about why each green stripe looks green and each white stripe looks white.”
“Did you learn why Dad’s hair is black?” asked Andy.
“Oh yes,” Brian said, nodding confidently.
“Because God made him that way.”

Sound fun? Throughout “Light of the World,” God’s creation and His word are part of the Edwards family’s daily interaction. “And these words that I command you today shall be on your heart. You shall teach them diligently to your children, and shall talk of them when you sit in your house, and when you walk by the way, and when you lie down, and when you rise… You shall write them on the doorposts of your house…” (Deut. 6:6-7, 9a, ESV) Talking about important things as a family doesn’t have to be fancy. Just look at the Edwards family: it can take place “when you walk by the way”!
For more encouraging pictures of family life, read “Light of the World” the new living science book about light.

It’s Easy to Win a Free Book

Got an e-mail address? Subscribe to our feed!
Have a blog? Use our button; write about this book or giveaway!
Know 5 people? Tell them about this book!
Part of a homeschool group? Share with them about this resource!
Subscribe to homeschool or CM e-mail loops? Mention us!

There are other quick and easy ways to enter our giveaway, and they’re all listed on the giveaway page. And the best part? Each time you do one of the qualifying actions, you get to enter again. One winner will be drawn May 13th.

"Light of the World" Released!

That's right; "Light of the World," the new living science book about light, was released for online sale yesterday at noon.


To celebrate, take 15% off your orders at www.lightoftheworldbook.net and www.heavensdeclare.info with this discount code: 5LNVH8DM


Can't decide?  That's okay; it's quick and easy to enter in our giveaways for a free autographed copy of "Light of the World" or "The Heavens Declare"!  See www.lightoftheworldbook.net and www.heavensdeclare.info to enter the giveaways, and read excerpts and reviews.

Book Available

Purchase "Light of the World" here!
Subscribe to our feed to receive discounts on both books.