Review: "Light of the World" is a Blessing

"Your tone is wholesome, hopeful, and a fine example of family unity and purpose, which may be a refreshing blessing to many children today.  Your approach of building relationships to share Christ will be interesting to others, believers or not."

~ Home educating mother of three

"Light of the World" Final Edit

My mother and I have nearly finished going through "Light of the World" for the last time.  Illustrating is coming along nicely, and the internal layout is ready and waiting for the contents of the book.  The "Light of the World" website will be launched soon and will include a giveaway for one of the first books printed!  Don't forget to subscribe to our feed so you will receive updates.  That way, you can be sure to enter for a chance to win a free autographed copy of "Light of the World," the new living science book about light!

"Light of the World" Manuscript Edited!

On Wednesday I received the changes from my editor. I will go over the whole manuscript again, and then it will be officially done! I am making progress on the illustrations, the cover design is complete, and the internal layout is nearly done.
In short, this living book about light is rapidly approaching publication!